Make a Snowflake Backdrop

January 30, 2013 in handmade and vintage goods

Brittany Watson Jepsen
Brittany Watson Jepsen

Brittany Watson Jepsen is a designer and crafter. Her motto is "a creative mess is better than tidy idleness." Find her on her blog, The House That Lars Built, and her Etsy shop, where she designs and sells kitchen accessories and all things floral.

A winter wonderland wedding is not complete without a proper backdrop for the guests. These oversized snowflakes create the perfect amount of fun for a festive occasion!

I created these wintery props in the same manner as smaller snowflakes made from a piece of office paper, but on a larger scale. Try grouping them in several layers for a truly magical effect.

Large, thin sheet of paper (I used 19″x 25″)
Downloadable Snowflake Patterns

Step 1: Create a square shape out of your rectangle paper by bringing up one corner to the opposite edge and creasing it.

Step 2: Cut the excess paper off leaving just a triangle.

Step 3: Fold the top edge down to the bottom right corner.

Step 4: Fold the left edge in half down the center of the top point.

Step 5: Bring the far right point to the opposite site and fold.

Step 6: Turn it over and cut along the new straight edge.

Step 7: This will leave the base from which you can apply any snowflake pattern with a pencil.

Step 8: Create a ton of snowflakes using the templates here. Note: these are just a few to choose from – you can repeat them over and over, or try your own!

How-to photographs by Brittany Watson Jepsen.