It’s more important than ever to shop from small businesses

At Etsy, supporting our 2.7 million sellers is always our top priority. We know that behind each shop is a creative entrepreneur, committed to building a business while doing the work she loves. Our sellers are the makers and collectors who have turned their creative passions into full-time jobs, pouring their hearts into making beautiful, handcrafted products that celebrate life’s special moments and inject joy into the everyday. Now, more than ever, they need your support.

While brick-and-mortar stores remain closed, our shops are open for business with 65 million items available in the Etsy marketplace, many of which are unique and can’t be found anywhere else. From the work-from-home essentials, to games and DIY projects, every purchase on Etsy champions real people who are weathering the uncertainty of this moment just like all of us. 

That’s why today we’re launching a new campaign called Stand With Small, a reminder to our community and shoppers around the world that their purchases and support are what will keep small businesses on Etsy thriving. Here are just a few of the millions of stories of how Etsy impacts our sellers’ lives.

We’ll be spreading the word about Stand With Small far and wide, from on site and emails to  social media. We’d love for you to get involved as well. Help us spark a movement by reaching out to your favorite sellers and sharing your experiences on social using #StandWithSmall. 

Stand With Small is only one way we are supporting our sellers during this time. We’re also waiving millions of dollars in advertising fees, providing flexibility around payment schedules, and even speaking directly with US and EU legislators to ensure micro-entrepreneurs are eligible for vital stimulus and aid packages. Most importantly, we are keeping the lights on over our virtual Main Street so that even in this time of social distancing, human-to-human connection and commerce can remain alive and well. 

Unlike mass retailers, when you shop on Etsy, you’re directly making a difference in someone's life while supporting their creative passion. Our mission to Keep Commerce Human is more important than ever. I know our community has the drive and resilience to withstand this turbulence, but they can’t do it without you.

Join us and support independent sellers. #StandWithSmall